After experiencing heat waves, typhoons and infectious diseases, I have realized that home should be the foundation of one's sense of security. People who live in sub-standard housing and those in danger of losing their jobs are theones who are paying an unfair price with climate change. (중략) The way to overcome the climate crisis is to secure gousing for everyone to safely live in, instead of looking at it simply as an opprtunity for speculation and profit.
- 이재민 활동가 (빈곤사회연대 활동가)
9/12 전국 동시 다발 기후 위기 비상 행동 <우리는 살고싶다> 온라인 집회 발언문
참조 영상
녹색연합이 함께 하는 기후위기인권그룹이 주최한 '기후위기에 따른 인권침해 증언대회' (2020/11/26)
- 카카오 프로젝트100
- 프로젝트명 : 필사적으로 지키는 지후, 영어로 기후 읽기
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